Great Product Photography Tips to Help You Sell More in Instagram.

Photography is one of the most important components of Instagram promotion. A photo is 80% of the success, while the remaining 20% ​​goes to the product description.

A high-quality image can attract attention, delight a user, and effectively sell your product. But how to make a selling photo for Instagram? Let us share some handy tips with you.

Product Photos That Make Users Buy

Due to poor-quality photos, people may have doubts about the purchase; many will not want to pay for an indistinct item in the photo. Even quality and unique products offered at a good price may be overlooked just because you do not manage to capture it well.

To help you avoid such situations, we want to share with you some cool tricks of shooting goods for your Instagram store. There is no need to rent studios or call photographers with expensive equipment. You can do it under your own steam.

Productive Photography

Trick #1 – Determine the Best Angle

Ensure your photos reflect how the product looks in real life. However, it is also important to have one main picture with the best angle of your product. And do not forget to add at least three-four different pics for customers to scroll through.

Trick #2 – Stick to the 3-Color Rule

It is good to limit the color palette of your shot. Choose three shades that create harmony and match well. Once you pick the colors, set them to a ratio of 4: 2: 1. That is, one color should be set as a base, while the remaining 2 color shades should complement one another.

Trick #3 – Have a Single Object in the Frame

Don’t let other elements in the frame sing small the main object. If you mix everything in a pile, your customers will hardly understand what’s currently on offer and will never purchase from you.

Trick #4 – Do Not Be Worried About Equipment

You may think that your camera is not powerful enough to take good product photos. In fact, it is not an issue at all since many commercial photographers shoot exclusively with iPhones. For an Instagram store, a photo taken with a phone is enough if you know how to properly retouch and edit it.

Trick #5 – Choose the Right Shooting Mode

Switch to a portrait mode if you shoot large-scale items and you see foreground, background, and mid-range subjects being equally sharp. In this mode, the focus will be on the foreground, while the background will be automatically blurred.

Trick #6 – Select Backgrounds Carefully

Glossy backgrounds and smooth surfaces like tiles and siding are almost useless even if they are marbled and look chic. It is difficult to work with these textures as they create glare and highlights, which are difficult to get rid of. If you have little experience with product photography, then practice shooting with simple and single-layer backgrounds. By the way, if your Instagram acts as a marketplace, the best solution is to use a classic white background. So the product will be easy to see, as it will dominate on the visual.

Trick #7 – Do Not Overdo Blur

If several objects in the shot are equally close to the lens, then blurring some of them is not the best idea. The picture will look unnatural and cheap. As a rule, the main element should be larger than the rest, so rethink the exposition properly.

Trick #8 – Shoot During the Day

Artificial daylight will hardly decorate your photos. Room lamps give off gray or yellow light, and it is almost impossible to eliminate these shortcomings in the editor.

Trick #9 – Choose the Right Position

Shoot the product in the same position as you see it in life. For example, if the product is usually used upright, it is not worth putting it down. And vice versa – flat items look more harmonious from above; there is almost no point in lifting them or placing them vertically.

Trick #10 – Have No More Than 3 Objects in a Shot

A pile of goods in one shot clutters up the space and confuses a customer. It is almost impossible to build a composition in such cases. The picture is too dense. Therefore, it is highly recommended to make a composition of no more than 3 objects.

P. S.

The viewer perceives each photo as a whole, and the impression can be spoiled by any little thing. Bad lighting, variegated background, blurred image – all these can ruin even the most prominent shot.

So you should always experiment, practice, and do not forget about the above tricks.

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