Pokémon Go Type chart, explaining Strength, weaknesses and vulnerability of characters.

We are here with the complete Pokemon Go Type Chart that helps you in getting the exact strength, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities of your Pokemon Go Characters. This could help Pokemon go players to get the maximum out of the game.

Type Chart methods of representing Type effectiveness have been popular since long before Pokémon Go, with all of the core Pokémon games revolving around them.

In brief, Pokémon types dictate whether one Pokémon is either strong or weak – super effective or not very effective – against another, dealing additional or reduced damage as a result – and receiving additional or reduced damage – as a result.

Pokemon Go Type Chart Characters details

The standard Type chart that has evolved through the different generations will be like a second language to long-term Pokémon fans, but to newcomers, it can appear too daunting to even know where to begin, so with that in mind we’ve put together a type chart of our own, as well as an explanation of how Type effectiveness works and how to plan around it, just below.

The simplified effectiveness chart shows more the total points for any characters and it’s used in different scenarios. Besides this, MinionAccounts can be the best place to go if you are looking for the best option to buy Pokemon go accounts.

Pokémon Go Type chart:

Type Strong Against Weak Against Resistant To Vulnerable To
Normal Rock, Ghost, Steel Ghost Fighting
Fighting Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, Dark Flying, Poison, Psychic, Bug, Ghost, Fairy Rock, Bug, Dark Flying, Psychic, Fairy
Flying Fighting, Bug, Grass Rock, Steel, Electric Fighting, Ground, Bug, Grass Rock, Electric, Ice
Poison Grass, Fairy Poison, Ground, Rock, Ghost, Steel Fighting, Poison, Grass, Fairy Ground, Psychic
Ground Poison, Rock, Steel, Fire, Electric Flying, Bug, Grass Poison, Rock, Electric Water, Grass, Ice
Rock Flying, Bug, Fire, Ice Fighting, Ground, Steel Normal, Flying, Poison, Fire Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, Grass
Bug Grass, Psychic, Dark Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Fairy Fighting, Ground, Grass Flying, Rock, Fire
Ghost Ghost, Psychic Normal, Dark Normal, Fighting, Poison, Bug Ghost, Dark
Steel Rock, Ice, Fairy Steel, Fire, Water, Electric Normal, Flying, Poison, Rock, Bug, Steel, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Fairy Fighting, Ground, Fire
Fire Bug, Steel, Grass, Ice Rock, Fire, Water, Dragon Bug, Steel, Fire, Grass, Ice Ground, Rock, Water
Water Ground, Rock, Fire Water, Grass, Dragon Steel, Fire, Water, Ice Grass, Electric
Grass Ground, Rock, Water Flying, Poison, Bug, Steel, Fire, Grass, Dragon Ground, Water, Grass, Electric Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, Ice
Electric Flying, Water Ground, Grass, Electric, Dragon Flying, Steel, Electric Ground
Psychic Fighting, Poison Steel, Psychic, Dark Fighting, Psychic Bug, Ghost, Dark
Ice Flying, Ground, Grass, Dragon Steel, Fire, Water, Ice Ice Fighting, Rock, Steel, Fire
Dragon Dragon Steel, Fairy Fire, Water, Grass, Electric Ice, Dragon, Fairy
Fairy Fighting, Dragon, Dark Poison, Steel, Fire Fighting, Bug, Dragon, Dark Poison, Steel
Dark Ghost, Psychic Fighting, Dark, Fairy Ghost, Psychic, Dark Fighting, Bug, Fairy

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