Unable to Verify Game Ownership fix for Minecraft Dungeons.

Most users have complained about this error showing, “Unable to Verify Game Ownership” in Minecraft Dungeons’ first run. The error seems to be a bug that pops up whenever you try to load the game.

The Unable to Verify Game ownership Minecraft Dungeons Apk error has a notification with it which reads, ” Sorry, We are currently unable to verify that you own Minecraft Dungeons. Please make sure that you have a working Internet connection and try again“.

Unable to Verify Game Ownership Minecraft Dungeons

How to fix Unable to Verify Game Ownership:

There are several steps that you can follow to get rid of this irritating error while loading the game on any System or console.

Here is what official accounts say about the error faced by many on Windows PC.

Make a new Installation Minecraft Dungeons Game:

You can Uninstall and later install the app to get rid of this ownership message. But you can also wait of the official bug removal to get the game back.

Empty the Minecraft Dungeons Cache:

Follow these steps to clear the game cache.

  1. Click Start > Control Panel.
  2. Locate and double click the Java icon in the Control Panel.
  3. Click Settings under Temporary Internet Files.
  4. Click Delete Files.
  5. Select all boxes and click OK on Delete Temporary Files window.
  6. Click OK on Temporary Files Settings window.
  7. Click OK to close the Java Control Panel.

Flush System DNS:

Flushing the DNS cache on Windows 10 is a very easy process. Due to system security permissions, you must ensure that you run the command prompt as an administrator user.

  1. Ensure that you’re on the Windows 10 desktop.
  2. Right-click on the start menu and choose Command Prompt (Admin) from the menu.
  3. Type in the command ipconfig /flushdns
  4. That’s It.
  5. Now try Loading the Minecraft Dungeons game again.

If you are seeing the error again. You should wait for the fix from the developers. This Unable to Verify Game Ownership Minecraft Dungeons Error is more of a big that can easily be fixed with the next update.

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