Download Crowjob in Space v18.3 update [15.3.2024

Download and install Crowjob in Space latest version v18.3 updated on 15.3.2024. The modded version of the game comes with the new hotfix that allows you to skip different events to carry on to your favorite scenes. The Crowjob in Space mode is loaded with unlimited potions, coins, free skips, and more.

The developers, “Das Games” have added a new Point & Click feature on their new Unity Engine. This allows more character interaction with NPC’s and makes it even more interesting to progress in the game.

Crowjob in Space

CrowJob in Space Latest Version Info:

Developer: Das
File Size: 2.78 GB
Version: 18.3.2024 Hotfix
OS: Windows, Mac, Android
Languages: English

What’s New in CrowJob in Space:

-36 New Scenes updated old scenes from Crow job in Space Old version;

-Fixed PoV animation in IT-guy’s scene following the bug in the older version.
-Fixed an issue with a wrong background in Yamada’s scene
-Fixed an error that prevented access to the bathroom at Chuck’s bar
-Fixed a typo on Darling’s & Calvin’s scene in updated Crowjobs space.
-Fixed an issue where Darling would show up in the mothership too early

-DJ doesn’t have dialogue yet. I will include them as soon as I get them!
-Calvin’s “peek cinematic” doesn’t play when peeking over the counter at Chuck’s bar
-Tribelands still has no music & regular exploration music plays after talking to the IT guy
-Theres a rogue hotspot at Chuck’s bar
I’ll get these fixed on monday, gonna need a little break this weekend

Also Read:

New Features added in this Update:

-Fixed a weird duplication bug at the end of Dolce’s scene
-Removed a rogue hotspot from Chucks bar
-Removed the wrong music from IT guy’s hut
-Fixed an error that caused Calvin’s peek cinematic to not play
-Fixed an error that caused Calvin to be invisible after DJ’s scene
-Fixed an error that caused animations to overlap in IT-guys scene
-Fixed another typo on Calvin’s & Darling’s scene

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