Download and install Remix OS Player for PC Windows 7,8,10.

The latest and fresh Android app player the Remix OS player for Windows is here. You can download and install it on your PC running Windows 7,8 or 10 for both 32-bit and 64-bit variants of the operating system.

This latest Remix OS app Player works same like the other famous Android emulator players like BlueStacks and Andy. But the developers behind this project, the Jide have promised to deliver more smooth and fastest Android apps and gameplay experience on your Desktop or Laptop computers.


Main Features of Remix OS Player for PC:

Below are some of the main features of the Remix OS for PC followed by the installation guide.

Multi-game like a boss.

For all you hardcore gamers out there, Remix OS Player is the only Android emulator that allows you to play multiple games at the same time. Push your gaming abilities to the limit by managing several games simultaneously on one screen or have your favorite chat app open adjacent to your game to seamlessly talk smack to your opponents. How you choose to multi-task is up to you.

Stay up to date.

Why are you still emulating on KitKats and Lollipops? Remix OS Player is based on Android Marshmallow and is the most up-to-date emulator on the market. Don’t emulate like it’s still 2014. Enjoy the latest games and apps that Android has to offer.

An OS within an OS.

Why should emulators feel like a stand-alone application on your native OS? Remix OS Player offers the most immersive Android gaming and PC experience of any emulator out there. Experience everything Remix OS and Android have to offer – the way they were intended.


How to download the Remix OS Player for PC:

1st of all make sure that you have the following pre-requests ready to download and install this Android emulator.

  • Windows 7 (64-bit) or newer
  • Core i3 (Recommend Core i5 or Core i7) / No support for AMD Chipsets
  • 4GB RAM
  • 8GB Storage (Recommend 16GB)

1- If you have all the above recommended system specs ready then you can download the Remix OS Player from the given link below.

| Torrent Link | Direct Download | Mirror |

2- In most cases you must have the 64-bit Windows version installed on your PC, so you can follow the mirror link and get the 64-Bit version as seen in the image below.


3- After the download completes you can extract the Zip file which will show following files.


Now you have to install this remix os for pc using following this guide.

How to Install Remix OS Player for PC:

Now that you have downloaded the Remix OS Player, the real deal starts here. You have to install this OS on your Windows running PC.

1- Open the setup file as seen in the image below.


2- Once done go to the browse button and select the *.iso File.



3- Now if you run the setup and you have the Secure Boot off, you can get the installation done smoothly, but in most cases the Secure Boot and the BitLocker is always set on which may result in showing this error.

Error, ” Please turn off Secure Boot and BitLocker before proceed to installation” 


4- Reboot your PC. For UEFI, press special key (F12 for Dell, F9 for HP, F12 for Lenovo, Option Key for MAC) while booting to enter boot menu and ensure that Secure Boot is disabled and reinstall it again.

To Install Remix OS Player on USB Flash Drive:

NOTE: A USB 3.0 flash drive that supports FAT32 format, with a minimum capacity of 8GB and a recommended writing speed of 20MB/s.

  1. All data on your USB flash drive will be erased. Please backup the data in your USB flash drive before you start the installation.
  2. Download the Remix OS for PC package, which contains the Remix OS for PC ROM & Installation Tool

  3. Insert USB flash drive into your PC

  4. Open the Remix OS Installation Tool and follow the instructions to install Remix OS for PC on your USB flash drive.

  5. Reboot your PC.

  6. Press special key(F12 for Dell, F9 for HP, F12 for Lenovo, Option Key for MAC) while booting and enter Boot Menu.
    For UEFI, ensure that Secure Boot is disabled.

  7. Select “USB Storage Device” under boot option.

  8. Select either “Guest Mode” or “Resident Mode” to start Remix OS.

That’s it.

Now that you have downloaded and installed the Remix OS. you can simply boot in to this OS and enjoy the Android apps on your PC.


All you have to do is sgin in with the Google-ID (Gmail) and enjoy using this Android emulator on your Windows PC. If you have any problem in downloading or installing this Remix OS then you can comment below.

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